Friday, November 14, 2008

Flashback Friday

OK, so I'm totally lifting this idea from some stranger's blog I saw once, but I thought it was a cute idea so here goes. Each Friday I will post an old picture from the depths of my files. Today we get to view a photo from 3 years ago, July 2005 to be exact.

This is at our old house in Seattle (I miss that house!). We had this great deck and the kids would sit out there in the summer and eat popsicles. I stripped them down due to the drippage factor. Middle Kid was just a year old, and Miss Thang was 3. My, how time flies.


Cathy said...

This is how I picture your kids! The pictures of these older people you keep posting are really freaking me out. I have seen people do Memory Mondays. I want to start something like that too. Good Job Cynth.

Julie said...

Aw, they look so cute and little! Olivia might kill you for posting this picture in a few years though.

Sally DeFord said...

Cynthia. I'm so glad you started a blog. I can't wait to see what you are up to in daily life. I miss you.

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