Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eight Months Old

Baby Ben is a whopping 8 months old today. It's hard to believe he's already that old, and yet it seems like just yesterday that he was born. I definitely can't imagine our family without him. As soon as he was born, I realized I'd missed him and never even knew it. Of course, I felt that way when each of my children was born. Here's what the "birthday" boy looks like on this very day. These days he is rolling around like a maniac and turning himself around on his belly, which gives me hope that he will someday crawl. I wouldn't worry about it at all except we've dealt with crawling issues in the past. Ben is also grabbing everything in sight and starting to cut his first tooth. Hence the drool hanging from his mouth. If you look closely you can see the little puddle of drool on the carpet too.
This is another picture from a couple of weeks ago, just because. I love his pale blue eyes, his chubby cheeks, and his flyaway hair. I also love his happy disposition and his sweet giggle. I'll have to get some better pictures of his hair to show because it's pretty funny.

We love you, Ben! Thanks for coming to our family 8 months ago!

1 comment:

Lori said...

He is a cutie! Can't believe he's 8 months already.

giraffe background