Friday, November 28, 2008
Friday Favorites
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Way Back When-sday

Monday, November 24, 2008
We Have Lift-off
Now when he asks "Mommy, will you push me high in the sky?" I answer "No, buddy, you know how to pump now. Remember?" Then he smiles and his little eyes light up as it all comes back to him. You can just see him thinking "Oh yeah, I do know how to pump. I'm a big boy." And he scampers out to the backyard and pumps and pumps until he is indeed going high in the sky, just as he wanted.
God Will Protect Us
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Fall Foliage
I just love the contrast of the leaves and berries on this one.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Friday Favorites
Let's kick it off with this: Almond, pistachio, and milk body butter.
Because it’s my favorite, I brought it to the hospital when I had Ben. Then I ran out for awhile and recently got some again. Now every time I put it on, it reminds me of that hospital stay. Which should be a bad thing, considering this is when I got sliced open, shared a room with a teenage mom who watched TV when I was trying to sleep, about bled to death, and listened to construction on the hospital all day long while in a pain killer-induced stupor.
Luckily, the memories that come to mind instead are of enjoying my sweet baby boy on his first few days of life. Erik would come and sit with me for hours. Since I had two IV's, I couldn't hold the baby very easily. Erik would hold Ben while I napped, or we would talk about the miracle of this sweet new baby, so fresh from heaven. I fell in love with my husband all over again, watching him so in love with our brand-new baby.
Whew! I certainly didn’t intend to get so instense about lotion! Bottom line, it’s great stuff, it smells wonderful, and you can get it at Target for ten bucks. Check it out!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Way Back When-sday
I know what you're thinking: "You're so young!" "You're so thin!" "Your hair is so long!" You may also be thinking: "You're so cute!" "You're so fun!" And to each of these I answer "Yes, it's true."
But I also say this: I snagged myself a good one. And I'm hanging on tight for the next decade, and the next, and the next. Because so far, it's been a great ride.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Eight Months Old
We love you, Ben! Thanks for coming to our family 8 months ago!
Spy Kids
They dressed up,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Bookclub Excursion
We'll have to do it again sometime. And next time, please believe Lori when she insists one of the actors from the play is sitting at the next table at the restaurant. Because she's probably right.
Can you tell it was windy?
Her daddy was her coach this year, which she loooooved.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Flashback Friday
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mr. Smiley
He always has a big smile for everyone he knows, and even for people he doesn't know. He is always charming the ladies in the fabric store, the grocery store checkers, and even the crossing guard with his big, friendly grin.