Saturday, December 6, 2008

Matter Unorganized

OK, so I hesitate to show these pictures because they are pretty embarassing. I have to face the possibility that you might think less of me. But, I am committed to documenting my actual real life here, which means not sugar-coating over the bad stuff. So just be gentle, OK? Pretty please? A mere week ago this is what our garage looked like:
Do you dare take a closer peek?
I told you it was bad. You had to navigate a major obstacle course just to retrieve a screwdriver. And it had been bad for awhile, so the day after Thanksgiving we finally invited a new friend into our lives:
And on Friday and Saturday, while most sane people were eating turkey leftovers or hitting the sales, we were dumping lots and lots of junk. We shared the bin with our neighbor and filled it about 2/3 of the way, and boy did it feel great to unload so much worthless stuff that had been sitting out there for so long! I did fill up two huge bins for DI (donation), as well.
Are you ready for the after shots? Look out, here they come!
Much better, wouldn't you say? Would you like a closer peek?
All those boxes in the middle of the floor are the components (vanity, sink, mirror, etc.) of the bathroom we have been planning to remodel for over a year. And it WILL get done, mark my words! 2009 is our year for home improvements, I can just feel it!!!
I was pretty excited about my idea of containing all the long skinny stuff in a (new and clean) garbage bin. It holds our beach umbrella, American flag (when it's not hanging on the front of the house), pool noodles, and a couple of camping chairs. My beautiful laundry center that I don't need a weed-wacker to get to anymore. I even washed the rug.
So there you have it folks. Some (like my mother) thought it would never actually happen. But, happen it did, and now I feel 50 lbs. lighter every time I walk out there. Now I just have to work on actually feeling 50 lbs. lighter... maybe I'll start on that one after Christmas.


Cathy said...

Nicely done Cynth! I am truly inspired. I need to follow your example like crazy. My house and family would thank you for the inspiration but I cannot find them under all this junk!

Unknown said...

Nice work! I aplaud you!

Maren said...

Is it weird that seeing the pictures of your messy garage make me gleefully happy? It's so nice to know that other people have messes too - even the super organized people I know.

Lori said...

I am very impressed! That's what we need to do, too.

Julie said...

Good for you Cynthia. Tim cleaned ours out today. It is a relief to have things organized.

Audrey said...

Impressive Cynthia!! You and your handsome husband should hire yourselves out as professional organizers!! I would totally hire you if I had a house to live in. Oh wait, I live with my in-laws. AHH!!

Christy said...

Ok, Cynthia. You are hired! Seriously. Our garage has been a fire-hazard for the last year and 1/2. So embarrassing. Rob only works on it when the kids start hurting themselves working their way through. Enough already! I'm inspired.

giraffe background