Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Avoidance vs. Panic

It all started when I got sick a week and a half ago. I was bedridden (thanks to the fact that it was Saturday and my husband was home, so I had the option. Midweek, Mommy doesn't get to be sick) with a bad cold. I decided to pull out "Twilight" for a little light reading. Unsurprisingly, I got sucked into the story once again. It had the added bonus of being a nice distraction from the flurry of Christmas preparations.
A week and a half later I've re-read 2 1/2 books from the series and am feeling pretty calm about Christmas. "There's not that much left to do," I tell myself. "There's plenty of time," I agree.

Cut to early this morning, 2:30 to be exact. I get woken up by one of my kids and, after getting them back to bed, I stay awake and my mind starts to wander. I start thinking about Christmas and the various tasks I need to accomplish over the next week.
I need to finish baking treats for the neighbors and take them around, practice for a musical number, clean my house to be ready for out-of-town guests and oh yeah, I need to feed them too. I also need to get ready for a cabin trip which means preparing food for a large group and making sure we all have weather-appropriate attire (which we don't). Oh yeah, and I'm subbing on the organ so I need to practice for that, I haven't even thought about a Christmas card yet, and do I even have any gifts for my husband???
At this point I start to panic. My neck tenses up and my heart starts to pound. I stay awake worrying about it all for the next 3 hours. Will I get it all done? Is there even enough time? Is it humanly possible to be ready for Christmas in just one week when I am so far behind???
I have no answers, just the resolve that I will TRY to pull myself away from Bella, Edward, and Jacob so I can make some headway on my long to-do list. And appease myself with the fact that I am likely not alone in my panic and long to-do list. This time of year, it's inevitable.
I think I liked avoidance better. I'll have to remember that in the future.


Cathy said...

I saw your post title and immediately voted for avoidance..and yes you are not alone on the list. I am right with you. I just wish that I had been lost in a good book instead of just vegging in front of the TV.

Lori said...

You are hilarious! Avoidance is so common, my dear. I do it quite often. Some how, you will be able to get done what needs to get done.

Julie said...

You are not alone! I feel your pain. I'm quite annoyed right now because my kids changed their minds about what they wanted and I already had what they asked for before.

Layton family said...

I was listening to the soundtack to the twighlight movie, and thinking about it today. It will be easier in the future when the movie comes out on DVD to just watch that instead of reading all those books!!!

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