Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Favorites

Today's favorite is one I currently have a love-hate relationship with. One one hand, I love them because they are tasty and yummy and just so gosh-darn delicious. On the other hand, I CAN'T STOP EATING THEM!!!! I mean, I really, REALLY can't stop. They are that addicting.

I am talking about, of course, Girl Scout cookies. Thin mints and tagalongs, to be specific. My taste buds are enjoying every morsel of deliciousness, but I fear my scale will not be forgiving next time I pay it a visit.I mean, I'm all for supporting the Girl Scouts but seriously, these cookies are dangerous!!! I found it amusing that my facebook page comment about how I was eating too many Girl Scout cookies generated way more responses than anything else I've ever written. I guess it's a universal problem. Let me just say, I'm glad gs cookie time comes only once a year.


Cathy said...

I got some tagalongs and Erik thinks I should wait to eat see if anyone dies from the peanut butter the girl scouts used. So how are you feeling? Can I eat mine now?

Cynthia said...

The only ill side effect, as far as I can tell, is the fact that my jeans that used to be fit just fine.

Julie said...

I guess the good thing about being sick is you don't feel like eating. I still have my cookies, but give me a few days and they will probably be devoured when my appetite kicks in.

Cathy said...

To funny about the background. Emily picked this out for me. I told her I wanted green and blue. She went through and found it. It is obviously the best one though.

daveanddebbie said...

I LOVE Thin mints!! I only bought 2 boxes and the fact that we still have some after 2 weeks is nothing short of a miracle! The thing I like is that they freeze great, so there's less of a temptation to eat them all at once as you (meaning I) would a fresh batch of homemade cookies! And if you're counting weight watchers points(and if you can possibly stop at one) they are only one point...not bad! I've got a recipe for the homemade version that I'm dying to try....when I'm done with this diet of course!

Drewmeister said...

I would LOVE to have the recipe for homemade Thin Mints. They are by far my favorite GS cookie.

Aryn said...

I haven't bought any yet, and reading your blog made me panic that I'd missed them altogether?! I need to make this PRIORITY NO. 1!!

Thanks for helping me keep my priorities straight :)

Aryn said...

I haven't bought any yet, and reading your blog made me panic that I'd missed them altogether?! I need to make this PRIORITY NO. 1!!

Thanks for helping me keep my priorities straight :)

giraffe background