Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Favorites

Now, I haven't been very good about doing my Way Back When-sday's and Friday Favorites the past couple of weeks. I'm sure all four of you who read my blog have been very concerned. But, I'm back in the groove and have a new favorite to share with you. I thought with the new year and all, this one would be appropriate. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Biggest Loser Cardio Max Workout DVD.
This is a great workout. The steps are uncomplicated but really work. I never even use the weights, and skip some of the moves... jumping lunges? No thanks. However, my muscles can always tell they've been worked the next day. I do the first two levels, which takes 30 minutes. The third level is boring and slow, so I skip it.

If you're looking for a new workout to try, this is a great one!


Cathy said...

I am seriously looking for a new work out because right now I am getting bored with the whole elliptical machine. I am determined to have a good weigh in next week.

Lori said...

That looks like something I could definitely use.

Drewmeister said...

Thanks for the idea

Layton family said...

Hey, good to know! I wanted to make sure and comment after reading because... I know how it feels to post and no one comment. You know what else is AWESOME?!! If you have time warner cable, they have exercise on demand. There are some super workouts on there, especially the ab workouts. I can barely laugh the next day.

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