Friday, May 29, 2009

Does Anyone Ever Bathe This Kid???

This is a kid who loves to play outside. Which is great, since the weather is usually nice, and he's getting vitamin D, right?

The down side is that he usually gets pretty dirty.
I'm not kidding. The kid gets really filthy.

Don't ask me why he's sitting in a wet spot here. I don't even want to know.
The funny thing is, no matter what he's wearing, by the end of the day he's down to just a diaper and onesie. And splinters on the tops of his feet and on his knees. And dirt, lots of dirt.
The good news is, he doesn't seem too much worse for the wear.


Layton family said...

Sadie had splinters too after that day at your house. Ben is so happy he wouldn't even know. I shut the kids outside so I can get stuff done. I say more power to you if you can keep them there. In fact, why bathe them, they are just going to get dirty again???

Suzanne said...


Christy said...

Weird. My angelic three just sit quietly all day long either reading French poetry or playing one of the 6 instruments that they play. I don't think I've EVER seem them dirty.
Wait...a couple mud-balls just walked into the house. Gotta run ;)

Julie said...

He's so cute Cynthia where he's all clean or completely covered in dirt. He has the best smile, and those eyes are just gorgeous.

Amy said...

So cute! He is adorable even filthy.

Aryn said...

As if he wasn't cute enough, you have to go and do all the close-ups of all the chub! I may have to throw myself to the ground and thrash about since I am unable to nibble on those legs.. too fabulous.

Aryn said...

Seriously... why would you do the close-ups of the feet? Why would you do that to me? Why? You might as well be tickling the bottom of my own feet with a feather.

I. Can't. Stand. It.

The cuteness KILLS me.

giraffe background