Friday, May 15, 2009


Behold, my darling daughter:
Cute, right?
Let's take a closer look.
Almost-fallen-out teeth kinda creep me out. I mean, look at it! It's hanging by a thread!

A few hours later, the thread finally broke.
Ahhh, MUCH better!

That's five down, only 19 more to go. Wait, do they lose their molars? Probably not, right? I don't know, this is my first kid. Anyone? Anyone?

p.s. We had just come home from the preschool carnival where she got her face painted by one of the teachers there. Pretty amazing, huh?


Cathy said...

To cute! The big question is did the tooth fairy remember to come? The tooth fairy has yet to come on the first night for ANY of my kids. I think once the sunsets around here the tooth fairy crashes.

Cynthia said...

Our tooth fairy is a slacker too. Liv finally wrote a note and left it under her pillow: "Why didn't you come??"

Lori said...

I hate those barely hanging teeth. I just want to yank them out.

Lois said...

The boys just had dental appts this week. There are 20 baby teeth that they lose. (I guess if you count the wisdom teeth that are generally pulled for room that would make 24).

Layton family said...

ok, They do lose their molars... but not the big ones that come in around 6 years old. There are 2 baby molars in each quadrant that you will say goodbye to... I cannot believe you didn't direct that question to me?! That was kind of a creepy pic. I am laughing because I am not the only one that hopped on the computer after girls night out, ahem?!?

Unknown said...

It has been fun to catch up on your blog. Such a great way to share in your life and happiness.

giraffe background