For my birthday this year, Erik and I did the unthinkable: we got away from the kids overnight!

If you know us, you know that this is a huge deal. Ever since Ben was born, it has been hard for me to leave him. But, they are all old enough now and we decided that one night away was fully deserved! We called our favorite babysitter, who is leaving on her mission in a few weeks (sad for us, exciting for her), and she happily agreed to come stay with the kids while we were gone.
We went here:

It was gorgeous and relaxing and quiet and I wish we could have stayed longer. Next time. :)
Here is our room. Very fancy.

They even had robes for each of us. It was a great, quick (less than 24 hours) trip. We went out to eat, played cards, went on a bike ride (the pics are on Erik's phone, I'll try to get one uploaded), and enjoyed some uninterrupted conversation. I even got a massage at the spa. It was wonderful.
Our little balcony looked out over the golf course.

Next time we will have to stay longer and enjoy the swimming pools, driving range, tennis court, and more of their delicious restaurants. It was so relaxing and nice. We seriously need to do that more often. The kids were totally fine, didn't cry, and honestly didn't really seem to care when we came back. I guess it's the irony of parenthood that you worry that you need to rush home to get back to them, then realize you needn't have worried. They were just fine.