Thursday, May 13, 2010


We took the kids to the zoo over spring break. It was so much fun. They are all at the age where they love to see the animals, and the weather was perfect. Here are my three little monkeys.

I figured I'd include a picture of where Ben spends a good deal of his life. No wonder he didn't learn to walk until he was, like, super old. He's always strapped in.

The girls. It has never been more apparent to me that I should wear lipstick on a regular basis and not just on Sundays. Hm. Oh well.

The boys and the flamingos. I realized I got very few pictures of the animals this time. Mostly just people. Really cute people, but still, hardly any animals. A lot of the animals were sleeping or hiding out as far away as possible from the people.
Kettle corn was definitely a highlight. Caleb especially loved it so much. We went through that huge bag in like an hour, it was crazy.

I love it when Olivia feels maternal and wants to carry Ben around. Pretty impressive, considering the fact that he weighs more than half her body weight.

I love these kids! I especially love it when they are all getting along. :)


Suzanne said...

Way cute. Happy kids enjoying each other's company is one of the best sounds in all the world.

Layton family said...

Awwww, that is adorable. Cynthia you are a crack up!

giraffe background