Friday, February 12, 2010

BL Update

OK, so I've been doing the Biggest Loser challenge for a month now. And I have to say, it's not that bad. It's actually going pretty well. I've been stepping up the exercise to five times per week, and added more variety to my workouts.

Spin, for example. That class always freaked me out: a bunch of sweaty people on their stationary bikes, pedaling away in a darkened room. I'd pass by them on my way to the "fun" classes: Total Body Conditioning, Strength with the Bosu Ball, and, my fave, Zumba. But then a friend told me she loves spin and I decided to give it a shot.

The first class, I seriously felt like I might keel over right there on the cement floor. It was SO hard. But then I went again, and again. And each time, it has gotten easier. Don't get me wrong, it's not easy, just... more do-able. As in, I don't feel near death anymore. And I like that it's a raw workout. You know what to expect, no surprises, it's tough but you power through and it's done.

I've also been keeping better track of my food intake. This is the hardest part for me, as I LOVE to eat. I love treats and bread and everything in-between. The most difficult, but I believe the most effective, food-related thing I've done is committed to no eating at night. After the kids get to bed, I want to sit on the couch, relax, and EAT. It's my way of rewarding myself after a long, hard day. But no more. Well, usually no more. But when I do eat in the evening (at the baby shower last night, for example) I try to limit it. I'm always grateful the next morning when I don't feel bloated and hungry because I ate so late at night.

And, Erik has also been very disciplined in his eating and exercise habits lately, so that has helped a TON. We got chubby together, and we're getting skinny together. It's what we do. He has been doing awesome, I have to say.
So enough babbling, Let's get to the results. Drum roll, please.......

One month down, 10 lbs lost. Got rid of the weight I put on during the holidays (what can I say, I love to bake at Christmastime), and FINALLY busted through the number I've been hovering around for the past year and a half. It feels good, really good. But there's more work to be done. I'll keep you updated.

And on an unrelated note, as soon as I figure out how to upload pictures from my cell phone I'll write all about our exciting visit to the ER. Stay tuned....


Unknown said...

congrats!!! That's fantastic! Keep it up!

Suzanne said...

YOU GO GIRL! YAEH! That is fabulous. I'm almost halfway to where I'd like to be, but have yet to find a love affair with any physical exercise. Maybe when the baby is a bit older, I can try spinning. I walk...but it's the walk of a tired, old lady. Need to step it up a bit.

Cathy said...

So motivating! I have been to one or two spin classes...I always fake the crank. Instructor say 8 more clicks, I do click four.

Cynthia said...

Cath, I totally do the same thing! Sometimes I do an "air" turning of the crank while I wear a look that says "Oh yes, I am totally increasing the tension. I am so tough."

Christy said...

Alright, girl! 5 times a week at the gym?! You are amazing. I have mini panic attacks when I even consider doing those spin classes. I'm so impressed you went in and even more impressed you went back. :)

Sally DeFord said...

10 lbs in a month is amazing! It sounds like you are enjoying yourself and that's the most important part. I am very into the gym. My kids love the daycare and I like having some time to myself to exercise. It's so fun. Great work!

Layton family said...

Awesome! You may not have figured out how to upload cell pictures but you have for internet spin and scale pics!!!

Lori said...

You're doing great!! I really enjoyed spinning when I used to go. But I do admit I did fake cranks.

Jamie said...

Yay for you! Keep going, here comes swim suit season, oh wait you live in the land of eternal swim suit season, all the more reason to keep it up!

Angela said...

CONGRATS Cynthia!! I KNOW how that goes! I'm back to trying to lose the baby weight from #4 (she's 9 months now.) Anyways, it's slow going but at least it's going.
I think the key is finding an exersise that you like, otherwise you won't do it. Coupled with watching your food intake. Those together will do it for you. After #1 and #2 I lost 70 pounds in 8 months. It's totally do-able!
I also wanted to say that you turned me on to a yummy snack that I've been using during these dieting days. The Quaker Oats mint chocolate rice cakes! Sooooo great! They have been my daily snacks and so low calories. And I don't feel I'm treat-deprived. Anyway, thanks for that!
Now that I've RAMBLED on and on on your should go check mine old one out and request to be on the new on. I don't have your email address.
I miss you!
Take care and keep it up!!
Love ya!

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