Thursday, May 13, 2010

Olivia's Baptism

OK, I am so very behind on blogging. Needless to say, my life has gotten busy! It has been a long time, but I am determined to take a few minutes and catch up at bit.

First and foremost, my sweet Olivia turned eight years old and got baptized! She is such a special girl and we love her so much. My friend Julie, who is a fantastic photographer, took these pictures of her in her white dress. I think they turned out beautifully.

Olivia's baptism was so nice. Erik's mom and sister came out from Utah, and a different sister and her family came up for the baptism. One of my sisters also brought her family. It was so nice to have loved ones here to share in such a wonderful occasion. p.s. I'm wearing my giraffe dress in this picture. :o)

Olivia and one of her Primary classmates got baptized together, so we were in charge of half of the program. One of Olivia's cousins gave a talk, Grandma gave a prayer, a cousin and aunt did the music, and Olivia, Caleb, and their cousins sang one of Uncle Matt's songs about the Holy Ghost. Don't these girls look sweet in their white dresses?
I just sat there during the service and enjoyed the peace and felt the Spirit. There were many details to worry about with the dinner afterwards, keeping the younger kids revernent, etc., but I really tried to soak it all in and experience this wonderful and important milestone in my little girl's life.
Erik did a great job baptizing and confirming her. She loves her daddy so much, and it was special to see the two of them dressed in white together.

Olivia adds so much to our family. She is super smart, especially in math, and has the neatest handwriting of any kid I know. She is a perfectionist, so it's a good thing she does so many things well. She has a beautiful singing voice, an infectious laugh, and a desire to understand and follow the commandments. She is inquisitive, fun, nurturing, and super speedy--she can run a mile in 7 and a half minutes! Olivia is a wonderful girl and we love her very much.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Just take care of my future daughter-in-law! Loved the post.

giraffe background