Sunday, March 8, 2009

On the Move

Ben, at 11.5 months old, is finally finding his groove. For several months he has been content to sit and calmly observe the world around him. This, despite the fact that the three girls in the ward who are within a couple weeks of him in age have been on the move for months. Finally, he has decided he needs to get with the program.

In the past couple of weeks, he's learned to do this (please ignore my annoying voice and my middle child's hacking cough):

And this (don't let the black screen frighten you--just push play):

Needless to say,he's pretty proud of himself.

What can I say? We're pretty proud of him too, the cutie pie.

Now we've entered a whole new world of "Don't leave anything out because Ben will get it" and "Sweep and vacuum the floors daily instead of weekly." Ah, the joys that come with having a newly mobile child.


Layton family said...

He will always be chasing and trailing behind ladies, he is just getting early pracitce?!!!

Drewmeister said...

He is so adorable.

giraffe background