As my friend AFSM (you know who you are *wink*) pointed out to me, I have been extremely deficient in my Way Back Whensday postings of late. And I had such good intentions too, but life just got so busy for a couple of weeks there. I'm sure everyone can relate to that. So, I am here to repent and FINALLY do the post I wanted to do two Wednesdays ago. Behold, my lovely daughter Olivia:

This was taken 6 years ago, when she was just a tiny little one-year-old. Of course, at the time I thought she was getting so big and grown-up. It's so interesting to look back at that time in our lives with the perspective I have now. Not that I'm so much wiser or anything, but I do think I see more of the bigger picture than I did at the time.
When I was at home with just a one-year-old, I thought my life was pretty busy (now I laugh in the face of myself six years ago). I also thought that my one-year-old was really, really hard. In fact, one of the regrets I have is labeling her as a "hard" baby. While it's true that she came out of me screaming and didn't stop for--well, I guess she's still my screamer--she is also a great kid. She's smart, fun, loves to help and nurture others, has a kind heart, and brings a ray of sunshine into our family.
Also, I now understand that many of the things I stressed so much about, were just stages that she eventually grew out of. That's what is so helpful when you have subsequent children: you understand that so many behaviors are just phases, and not permanent issues. That makes it so much easier to be patient and not worry so much about "Will they ever learn to do this?" and "Will they ever stop doing that?"

Now that she is a big seven-year-old, I can see that yes, some of the things about her that stressed me out so much when she was young, she still possesses. She is still quick to frustration and anger and requires more from me emotionally than my other kids. But, she is also SUCH a great girl. She's a hard worker and is helpful and kind. She's beautiful inside and out, just as she was as a baby. And most of all, she WANTS to be good, and truly loves her family. Yes, we are very blessed to have Olivia as part of our family, both then and now.