Friday, August 14, 2009

Just Like Riding a Bike

Last night we had a fun activity for Enrichment Night. We went biking through the mountains, ending up at the beach where we had dinner and enjoyed the view.
Now, lest you assume this is a common activity for me, let me assure you that it had been at least a decade since I'd even been on a bike. I had to borrow one from a friend (she's pregnant, so didn't participate in the biking portion of the evening). As I was putting the bike in the car before I left, Caleb inquired with surprise "Mommy, you know how to ride two wheels?!"
That just goes to show you how rusty my skills were. But, I managed to make it through without even falling once. Of course, I think it's difficult to fall when you're only going 10 meters per hour.
It was really pretty, especially in the setting sun.
Some parts we had to walk:

We encountered some fun wildlife on our trek. We saw two tarantulas, and a deer.
Lori and Janelle getting ready for the big downhill portion:

It was really fun, and despite my complaints of a sore bum the next day (which in turn prompted many giggles from my children), I'm looking forward to doing it again next year! After all, I CAN ride two wheels now.


Suzanne said...

Good for you! I haven't been on a bike that actually goes someplace in more years than I want to think about. The pictures were lovely. That is a great enrichment activity!

Cathy said...

That seems like a great activity. I wish our ward would do something like that! How far did you guys go?

Cynthia said...

I heard it was 7 miles. Felt like 77 but whatever. :)

Unknown said...

Good for you!!! My kids would fall down dead if I got on a bike. Whatever. It sounds like a super fun evening. Lucky you to live somewhere that you can realistically ride a bike from the mountains to the beach. Cool.

Cynthia said...

Amy, I didn't even think about it but I guess it is pretty unique to have a mountain/beach activity. Thanks for reminding me why our ridiculous mortgage isn't all that bad. :)

Maren said...

Very cool, at least theoretically, in actual reality I don't do bikes. But I think other people who bike are really very cool (you are officially "cool").

Because I am the Enrichment leader, I did consider, for a moment, whether we should do a biking Enrichment activity here in Alma Branch. Then I remembered that the average age in the branch is like 92 and thought, hmmmm, nah.

Kristen said...

I would love to finish my Enrichment Night activity at the beach with dinner. That sounds heavenly!

giraffe background