Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Way Back When-sday

This morning as my very capable five-year-old yelled upstairs to me, tearfully asking for help in pulling his pajama top off (as he does every morning), I was reminded of a scenario in his recent history.

A couple of years ago, when Caleb was about 3 years old,

I pulled out his t-shirts after a winter of long-sleeved weather. As I pulled and tugged the now-too-small shirt over his large-to-begin-with noggin, Caleb began to cry. "Mommy," he wailed, "my head is very big, you know?"

Yes, buddy, I know. Boy do I ever know.


Christy said...

WHY do they make those head holes so small?! My brother Russ always tries to cheer me up by telling me that all movie starts have really big heads. Apparently it looks better on film. :) I guess my kiddies have a future.

Cathy said...

Big heads run in our family for sure! Before Ry was born he had to be checked out each week by an ultrasound specialist to make sure he did not have hydrocephalus. It turns out he didn't..just a huge baby head : ). Then when Ry was born his head would not fit into the hospital onsies. We had to cut them to make them bigger.

Julie said...

I have a big head too. My brother (who has the biggest head I've ever seen) and I tease each other all the time about our big heads. We've even had our mother measure to see whose was larger (his). Having a big head isn't so horrible. It just means you are so smart you need a bigger place to keep it all.

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