Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let's Take a Closer Look

After I posted pictures of our Fourth of July trip, I decided this family photo deserved a post of it's very own.

The funny thing about this picture is that we were actually trying to get a good family photo. Notice the solid-colored shirts, all of them clean to boot. We even spaced out the matching blue shirts so they weren't right next to each other. Also notice the nice woodsy background, full of nature and what-not. All the foundations of a nice family photo, right?

Didn't quite turn out that way. Well, YOU be the judge:

Not that I was necessarily looking for frame-worthy, I just wanted one with all of us in it. Well, with me in it where I don't have that "I'm-taking-the-picture-so-my-face-is-at-a-weird-angle" thing going on. I seriously am the only one who takes pictures in this family. And I really thought we might have a winner here. Apparently not. I love how Erik is doing something weird with his mouth, I have an odd look on my face, and my normally photogenic children all look grumpy. Well, let's be honest. They WERE grumpy. After all, they had just stood and smiled nicely with their entire extended family for the requisite multiple rounds of a large-group photo.

Sigh. Sometimes you just take what you can get, I suppose. Even if it's an odd, almost-unpleasant-looking photograph of yourself and the ones you love best in the world. After all, this might be an accurate representation of us on certain days, right?


Julie said...

I think it's absolutely fabulous! You guys are an awesome family.

Amy said...

This picture is awesome. You need to save it for the Christmas card. We don't have any pictures of all of us together (or of me) because I am always taking the pictures.

Suzanne said...

Hey, I'm impressed you TRIED a family photo! That is a bridge too far around here by a long ways. Besides, Mom is always the one with the camera around here...which is great because this mom hates having her picture taken! Good job!

Tracy said...

Your Christmas cards can be done early!

giraffe background