Friday, June 26, 2009

They Finally Did It

Well, it took five weeks of hard work but the kids finally completed these:

which translated into their receiving these:
Olivia completed hers a couple of days before her brother, so we got to make two special trips to Target to buy their new scooters and helmets. It was good for them to each have their own trip, complete with effusive praise for a job well done over the past several weeks, and speculation about how much fun they will have riding their brand-new scooter.
All told, I think it was a good experience for them. I'll admit, at times I thought fifty jobs may have been on the excessive side. Their interest and begging for more jobs to do waned after a couple of weeks, but they did complete all 50 jobs, and I wasn't easy on them. They had to work hard for these scooters. Which I'm hoping will help them appreciate these hard-earned prizes all the more.
This afternoon we went to the park just to give them a chance to break in their new scooters. They loved it, and I was so happy for them and proud of them for earning something they will use and enjoy for several years to come. Good job, kids!


Cathy said...

That is so good and nice choice in scooters-very cool. Way to go Cynth on the follow through.

Suzanne said...

Good for them! My kids want scooters too. Wonder if they want them 50 jobs worth!

Maren said...

I am finally catching up with your blog - such fun reading. Sorry I have not been on top of it lately. But it was super fun to see you last weekend! I wish we had both had more time to chat, but I guess I always wish that :) Your kids are adorable. Ace is still gabbing about them constantly.
You posted such cute photos of the family weekend. And I love that the kids earned the scooters - I think you did a great job!

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