We spent a week in Utah for the 4th of July (I know this post is way overdue, leave me alone). The main purpose of the trip was to visit the greatest missionaries on earth, my parents. They are serving at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City for 18 months. They basically assist people in doing their family history every day. This is the largest library of its kind in the world, with millions of records from all over the world. Here are the faithful missionaries, accompanied by some really cute kids, in front of the building they work at every day.

Ben got pretty far on his own family history. Mama: Cynthia. Dada: Ewik. The End.
My parents' apartment is within walking distance of Temple Square, so we went there every day we were with them. There is so much to see at Temple Square. We took the tour of the Conference Center, the famous Tabernacle, and the Visitor's Center. The best part of the Visitor's Center is walking up the winding staircase and seeing the huge statue of Christ extending His hands to everyone.
As we were listening to the short recorded message of the Jesus Christ's words from the scriptures, Olivia leaned over and whispered "Mom, why is Jesus in space?"
Erik, Olivia, and I had the unique opportunity of attending the live recording of the weekly "Music and the Spoken Word" broadcast. The world-famous Tabernacle Choir performed several patriotic songs, as it was July 4th. You have to be at least 8 years old to go, so my parents watched the boys so Erik and I could take Liv. It was very cool.

Here they are, live and in the flesh. They are such a powerful choir, and the orchestra was amazing. It was fun to see Mack Wilberg directing them. He used to be at BYU, and I sang under his direction a couple of times. He is amazing and very, very talented.

My favorite Mo Tab sotry is from when we lived in Cleveland, Ohio. A few co-workers somehow got on the topic of The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. One guy commented "Oh, I never realized they were Mormon." A lady we worked with chided "Are you kidding me? You mean, if they were called the Chinese Tabernacle Choir, you wouldn't think they were Chinese?!" Four words: Hi. Lar. I. Ous.
There are several bronze statues scattered around Temple Square. This one was entitled Relief Society (or something of the like).

I had to get a picture by it since I'm, like, Little Miss Relief Society now. I'm amazed we got a picture where all of my kids are looking at the camera and smiling. A small miracle for sure.
OK, more pics soon to come...