Friday, January 15, 2010

Two Wheels

This afternoon as I sat chatting in my driveway with my neighbors, our children rode their bikes and scooters in the cul-de-sac.

As I was attempting to keep my one-year-old's fingers out of the hummus, my neighbor suddenly asked "Did you see that?!" I looked up to see my five-year-old on his friend's bike.

And he was riding it!

This may not seem significant or even interesting to you. The thing that makes it both significant and interesting to me, is the fact that this was his first time on a two-wheel bike, EVER. He doesn't yet own one (Santa thought about bringing him one this year but then decided on this), and his sister's bicycle is too big for any of us to have even thought of having him try it.

Notice the awesome "car wash" another neighbor mom engineered. Isn't she creative?!

He spent the rest of the afternoon, happily taking turns borrowing his friends' bikes. This one, a neighbor girl's old bike, was a bit small for him, but I was amazed that he picked up this skill so quickly.

He obviously inherited his athletic prowess from me.



nurmisnan said...

just drob by here. u kids really have fun and enjoyed... my daughter also love to ride d bicycle..

have a gd day and stay beautiful

Suzanne said...

How wonderful! You're kids are amazing and isn't it fun to see your kids discover things. Loved the hummus comment.

mindy said...

go Caleb!

daveanddebbie said...

That is amazing!

giraffe background