Are you having a baby? Well, if you are, and you know me, you may now commence to rejoice. Why, you ask? Because, my friends, I am on a baby gift-making roll. I just can't stop making cute baby things, and since my own baby is a toddler already, I'm not going to be getting much use out of them any time soon. And I'm NOT pregnant, so you can just zip your mouth shut about that right now.
I started out making burp cloths. Well, not so much making as sewing ribbons onto. I got really excited about it and bought a whole bunch of ribbon. It seemed every time I went to Michael's or Joann's (which was often, at this point), I found some new adorable ribbon I just had to have.
I gave these to my friend Laura at her baby shower last week. She's having a boy.

I also couldn't resist making her a blanket out of this super-cute monkey fabric:

Next I moved on to the girls. Audrey, don't look unless it's already past Friday. Or, act surprised and thrilled at your baby shower:

I have lots more adorable, coordinating ribbon, so if I don't know you're pregnant, call me! I'll make you some!
Even while I was in the midst of my ribbon-buying spree, I decided I wanted to learn yet another fun craft. My super-talented friend Amy had posted about making some adorable onesies awhile ago, and I suddenly decided I had to learn how to make them RIGHT NOW. Mine are pretty basic, so please don't compare mine to her masterpieces, but I think they're pretty cute:

I realize they aren't all girl onesies and they're on a pink blanket, but I wanted to take a pic before I sent these off in the mail. Here are the rest of the first batch:

Please disregard the fact that some of the images are kind of too small (Superman), and/or crooked (umbrella).
For some reason it was easier for me to think of cute boy ideas. I guess because I have two boys of my own!
My favorite boy ones:

And my fave of the girls:

They are so fun to make! Now if you'll excuse me, there are several more pregnant ladies in my ward so I need to go make some more baby gifts before I decide to move on to the next craft.