Monday, March 22, 2010

And She's Off!

Track season has officially begun. Here is the excited girl prior to her first track meet. Spankin' new uniform, hair out of the face, and a big grin of anticipation.

Look out other Gremlin Girls, here she comes! We're excited to see how she does this year.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"That's the Most Ridiculous Thing I've Ever Heard in my Life."

Have you ever said that to your bishop?

I have.

Just a few weeks ago, in fact. He came over to talk to me and Erik one night. I seriously was not thinking it was for any other reason than to check in with us. Yes, I can be pretty clueless sometimes.

Alright friends, it's time to laugh and cry with me.

Are you ready for this? I sure wasn't.

Bishop, Erik, and I were having a nice conversation about, well, I don't remember what. Just gabbing about life, kids, etc. So anyway, out of the blue, the bishop uttered those 11 words you never EVER think you will hear:

"Cynthia, I'd like to call you to be the Relief Society president."

My response?

(filled with disbelief): "You have GOT to be kidding me."

Bishop: "Nope."

Cynthia, clearly not in tune with the Spirit: "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life."

At this point, Erik leaned over and whispered "Honey, he's serious."

Then I burst into tears and cried for, well quite awhile. Several days, in fact. Actually it's been a few weeks and I'm still going strong in the tears department. Poor Bishop and Erik. They were both so filled with the Spirit and saying encouraging things like "I know you can do it." And there I was, basically screaming at them.

"You're insane!"

"I can't do that!"

"What are you thinking?!!"

As I think back now on how I must have looked that night, sitting on the couch in a sopping, hysterical mess, I think "Wow, I must have looked really silly." I was really a sight to behold, crying hysterically and blubbering incoherently. Seriously. It was bad.

And that, my friends, is what I have been laughing and crying about for the past few weeks. I know I used to have other stuff that I worried about but honestly, now I don't remember what any of it is. Now my brain has been consumed with thoughts like:

"RS presidents know stuff. They are wise. I don't know stuff, and I'm certainly not wise."

"What if somebody dies? What do I do?!!"

"RS presidents are grown-ups! I am clearly NOT one of those."

The up side? I lost 3.5 lbs in a week without even trying. I wasn't even eating healthy food, but I would just forget to eat. Plus, my heart has been constantly pounding all day and night. Heart rate's up! Who knew stress burned so many calories?

As crazy as it sounds, after some serious praying and crying and praying some more, I actually feel like this is the right thing. I still feel overwhelmed and terrified and incredibly inadequate, but I have a feeling the Lord will make up for a lot of that. He wants me to serve, and so I will. I'll try my best. I'll make mistakes, and I'll say the wrong thing. But I tell you what, I love the women in my ward. They are awesome. How could I not want to serve them, and serve with them? I have a feeling it will be incredibly hard... and scary... and wonderful.

I have to say, everyone has been so great. My family and my ward have been incredibly supportive and positive about this whole thing. I do think it's a little strange that other people are not freaking out about this as much as they probably should. I mean seriously folks, I am not the person you want to have in charge.

I obviously have a lot of learning experiences ahead of me. Beginning with, perhaps, How to Accept a Calling Gracefully.

I guess I'll just keep crying and praying. It's worked for me so far. Maybe you can throw in a prayer for me too. I could sure use it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Two Years Old

I can't believe Ben is already two. It seems like it's gone so quickly, and yet I can't even imagine our family without him. Ben is such a light in our family. He brings us so much joy and happiness. He can even dispel one of Olivia's bad moods by giving her a hug or offering his pacifier as comfort. I can honestly say I enjoy every day I get to spend with him.... which is, well, every day.

I have been a huge slacker as far as taking pictures lately. This is the only one I have of Ben this month. He and I made cookies after church one Sunday. He has been really into helping in the kitchen lately. He was so excited to wear an apron and help pour the ingredients. Isn't he just adorable?

As a side note, I am wearing my new giraffe dress in this picture. If you are facebook friends with me you will know what I'm talking about. Love it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Way Back When-sday: St. Patty's Day

Top o' the mornin' to ye, laddies and lassies!

This is from only a year ago so it doesn't really count as "way back", but it was so cute I had to re-share.... plus I don't have any other St. Patrick's Day pictures. Liv's class made these and I think they are just so adorable.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Great to Be Eight

My little girl turned 8! It feels like she is growing up so fast, I can't believe it. For her birthday Erik took a day off work, pulled her and her friend (also named Olivia) out of school for the day, and went to Disneyland! She was so excited. These 2 blonde Olivias had a blast together, going on rides and making up dance moves for Zip-a-dee-doo-dah. Ah, to be 8 again.

Clockwise from top left: Liv and Dad, Mad Hatter hats, watching the Star Wars show while wearing matching hair ribbons, O for Olivia, waiting in line.
Saturday was her actual birthday, so that morning Olivia and I went to get pedicures. She was so funny playing with the massage settings on the chair. Her little back was totally getting pounded. But, she loved it!
That night our family went to dinner at Souplantation, yum! I always eat too much at that place.

Then it was home for birthday cake and presents. She got walkie talkies (one of them already went through the wash, bummer), her very own scriptures, and a beautiful CTR ring.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! We sure love you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Way Back When-sday: Daddy's Work

Soon after we moved to CA 4 years ago, we took a family field trip to visit Erik's new workplace. We loved seeing his new desk, and the building he would go to every day. The kids loved seeing photos of themselves on his wall.

Looking back at this picture, it is crazy to me how much the kids have grown in just a few years.

Caleb was younger than Ben is now, and Olivia was barely four years old. Back then her beloved Teddy went everywhere with her. He stays at home more often these days, but she still adores him. He has now lost an eye and I have sewn his arms back on so many times they are both sticking out at weird angles.

And Erik is still working at this desk. He is there right now, in fact. We love him and are very grateful for his job, especially in this economy. I know things can change at the drop of a hat, so we will happily keep him at this desk for as long as possible. As long as he comes home to us each night.

giraffe background