This one is for all my friends who live in snowy regions of this beautiful country of ours. This time of year can be so cold and dreary, it's important to keep things fun and exciting so you don't get bogged down.
Long, long ago, during a month much like the one we are presently experiencing, at a university located in Provo, my roommates and I decided to pull a prank on some of our favorite gals in the apartment complex. You know, just to show 'em we care.
Late at night (which, unsurprisingly, is when we seemed to get all of our "great" ideas) we sneaked down to their first-floor apartment and shoveled snow until it completely covered their front door.

We packed it in tight and built a wall of snow that concealed the entire door. It was hard work, but we were young and spry back then.
Not like today when our bodies have been worn down by pregnancies, children, and old age.
Or maybe that's just me.
So anyway, we went to bed giggling and speculating about who would be the first to open the door in the morning. It just seemed hilarious to open the front door and see a wall of white. I mean, who wouldn't think that's fun?? Luckily, they were good sports about it and didn't get us back for at least another week.

Here is our friend Amy J., being a good sport about yet another prank performed by the unstoppable girls of S-303. I hear it took them awhile to get out their door in the morning. I would feel bad, but really, there's got to be some drawback for living on the first floor. I mean, they never had to climb any stairs--how fair it that?!
If you need a fun idea to break up the dreary, snowy winter, feel free to borrow this one! It's a classic!