While it's true that Erik and I both graduated from BYU, I wouldn't say we are devoted fans. Bacically, I would not consider myself a big sports fan in general. In fact, I will rarely watch a game that doesn't include one of my own children playing.
And while some of you may cringe at the fact that a few days ago we attended a University of Utah basketball game--AND wore red!--let me just explain that our little (read: 7 foot +) nephew David plays on the team. So, for the evening we were Ute fans.

We met up with David's family and were quite the RED cheering section. The only reason there is a white shirt in the group is that he shared his red shirt with his little brother who somehow got his shirt soaking wet.
David unfortunately hurt his ankle so he wasn't able to play in this game. But he was there, cheering on his team. He is the tallest one on the left, dressed all in black.

Here he is on the bench. Observation: these basketball arenas look much smaller in person than they do on TV.
Ben got wiggly, so he and I spent a good deal of the game doing laps up and down the halls. He mangaged to charm all the security people even though they were from the opposing school. He has a powerful smile, this one.

My kids loved playing with their cousins! We are so lucky to live close enough to see each other once in awhile.

To help you understand how tall this kid is, Erik is 6'3" tall, and he is just taller than David's shoulder. This is a guy you have to hug around the waist.

Even so, David's kindness and generosity outshine his extreme height. He is a great kid.... er, man now, I guess. It's weird to see neices and nephews grow up into adults! I am still getting used to that idea.
It was a fun evening, and we are looking forward to seeing him on the court in person one day soon! Go Utes! ...wait, did I just say that? Shhhh, don't tell my alma mater!