So I noticed that since I've been keeping track, I just completed my 10th time reading this marvelous book. My first thought was "Whoa, that's a lot." My second thought was "That's not enough." In any case, I took a minute to look back over the previous times I have recorded reading it in its entirety and took note of some interesting facts.
This book has traveled with me across the country, and even internationally. I have recorded 8 different locations, including 5 different states and 2 places abroad (London when I did study abroad in college, and in the Caribbean when my parents took my family on a cruise). I'm so glad this book has been in my possession everywhere I have lived.
I also noticed the varying amounts of time it took me to read all 531 pages. And I realized something interesting. The times when it took me longer to read the entire book (which means I wasn't reading on a regular basis), were the darker and more difficult times of my life. And the times when I was obviously reading the BofM more consistently because I got through it more quickly, were times of greater peace and joy.
Coincidence? I think not.
Not that this is surprising information. It really does make sense, and I feel a little silly that I am even writing about this fact, as if it is some new revelation to me. But really, it made it so real to see it in black and white. My logical, math-thinking brain understands that. But so does my heart. I need to remember this and be consistent with my daily scripture reading. It really is an important and life-bettering (I don't think that's a word, but you get my meaning) habit.
On a related note, Olivia received her first set of scriptures in the mail a couple of days ago. She is turning eight soon and has been waiting and waiting to get her very own scriptures. Well, they came, they are beautiful and she loves them. So far she has read a chapter a day in both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I am not naive enough to think she will always keep this enthusiasm about reading the scriptures, but I will enjoy it as long as it lasts. Because unsurprisingly, she is much happier and nicer to her brothers when she is reading her scriptures on a regular basis.
Coincidence? I think not.